Contributors — Four&Sons

Covering art, design, fashion, music and lifestyle, Four brings together an eclectic mix of inspiring ‘dog-centric’ content to dog-lovers passionate about culture and creativity. Like most, we love fresh new content yet, Four is committed to bring you the best insight into everything dog-related, and that sometimes means looking a bit further back. Four is curated with a strong editorial approach and is written by people who find dogs fascinating and almost human.

  • Marta Roca
    Marta is forever amazed by the strange and wonderful bond between dogs and humans. A designer by trade, she also fancies herself the editor of Four. Marta loves black and white and everything typographic. If she was a dog, she would definitely be a Dalmatian. And if someone had the courage to do a biopic about her, Woody Allen would probably take on the title role.[email protected]



    • Christina Teresinski

      Walking handsome Walter down the nearest park makes Christina’s heart sing, as do beautiful objects, a great conversation and stripy dresses. Always full of curiosity and savoir-faire, Christina’s eye for style is been rightly put to work on her stunning dog accessories line, Best in Park.

    • James Geer

      James loves the ocean, and not only as photographic subject. On any given Saturday you’ll find him surfing or catching squid on his tinnie. The last 12 months have been very eventful for James. He has welcomed the birth of his second child, opened his first solo show ‘Deep’, and sadly, recently farewelled his beloved Blue Healer Ollee, ‘She was a legend right to the very end of her radical 18 years of mischief!’.

    • Josh Gurrie

      Based in New York legally/illegally for 10 years, Josh had his first group show at the age of 11, scaring adults and children alike with his poignant life drawing of a big fat naked bald lady. Josh has spent the past year walking a giant dog around Greenpoint, wearing silver shoes and unsuccessfully trying to say ‘turkey sandwich’ in Polish.

    • Max Olijnyk

      Max writes about all kinds of things including art shows, books, fancy shoes and pottery classes. He also runs his own label called Note to Self, producing custom made jeans and small runs. He took up skateboarding when he was 12 years old and has been obsessed with it ever since. Max comes up with most of his ideas when walking with his dog, Tess.

    • Sal&Nat Power

      Same same but different – thoughts, opinions, style and taste. Once little bogans sharing a bedroom and now sisters in arms against dire straits. Like sisters that came before us, the Brontes, Serena&Venus, Pippa&Kate, we think Sal&Nat are an ideal force, especially when combined with Power, but you can make your own judgement call.


    • Sarah McArthur

      Sarah’s first taste of freedom came early in life at the hands of a Malvern Star chopper complete with banana seat and sissy bar. Nowadays, when not pushing pixels or tinkering about with words on a page, Sarah can still be found riding bikes or behind the lens of a camera.

    • Urchin

      Urchin is a studio space in Melbourne. Always creative, always evolving, always youthful. Creating things that make a change. Stay young, true, and fuck you.

    • Mel Cousipectos and Campbell Boyer

      One from the suburbs, one from a farm, they came together in Melbourne, and went to London. Two designers who love dogs. So much so, that during the five hour drive from the burbs to the farm, Mel ‘Doodle Buddied’ portraits of themselves and their respective dogs —Governor and Jessdog— to amuse Campbell. Ridiculously cool Japanese stuff comes in a close second after dogs.



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