A patronage program in support of Four&Sons


Peggy Guggenheim and Pollock. Gertrude Stein and Picasso. Isabella d’Este and Da Vinci. Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare. Throughout the centuries, patronage has encouraged ideas and allowed creativity to come alive, forging partnerships of mutual trust and respect. To be clear, we’re not comparing ourselves to Jackson, Pablo or Leonardo, although, funnily enough, their most influential patrons were—spoiler alert—dog lovers. It seems that once you start supporting what you love, it’s hard to stop.

Become our Buddy
If you enjoy what we do, consider making a yearly contribution of US$40 (or, fourty, if you enjoy a good pun). Thanks to your support, we’ll keep championing art and culture inspired by dogs. Your generosity will allow us to create new projects and share the meaningful stories of interesting people and their interesting dogs. As a patron, you will play a vital role in keeping Four&Sons going as an independent publisher.

The benefits
As our Buddy, you’ll get:

• access to the complete magazine archive in digital form (valued at over US$70)

• receive a 15% discount on the future projects that your support is helping bring to life

• other lil’ perks to be unveiled along the way

• that soft warm glow you get when you are proud of yourself

• and our most sincere gratitude.